Video gallery

Video gallery


Tab #1

Who does the OPP represent?
What is the relationship between the OPP and victims of serious crime?

Introduction to the video series

Title and synopsis

An introduction from the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kerri Judd KC.

Note: as at 8 September 2022, all QCs became KCs.

Note: as at 17 September 2024, Brendan Kissane KC was appointed Director of Public Prosecutions and Diana Piekusis KC was appointed Chief Crown Prosecutor.

In these videos, OPP staff play the roles of the different people you will see inside each court.

The role of the OPP

Title and synopsis

What is the role of the Office of Public Prosecutions?
What does it mean to prosecute serious crime? How does the OPP prosecute serious crime in Victoria on behalf of the Director of Public Prosecutions?

Meet the people who prosecute serious crime in Victoria

Title and synopsis

Meet the people who prosecute serious crime in Victoria
Meet the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Chief Crown Prosecutor, Crown Prosecutors, an OPP lawyer and an OPP social worker.

Note: as at 8 September 2022, all QCs became KCs.

Note: as at 17 September 2024, Brendan Kissane KC was appointed Director of Public Prosecutions and Diana Piekusis KC was appointed Chief Crown Prosecutor.

The possible outcomes in a criminal case

Title and synopsis

What happens after a case comes to the OPP?
There are many possible outcomes in a criminal case. Will every case go ahead? Do the charges stay the same? When might a victim have to give evidence?

Note: as at 8 September 2022, all QCs became KCs.

Note: as at 17 September 2024, Brendan Kissane KC was appointed Director of Public Prosecutions and Diana Piekusis KC was appointed Chief Crown Prosecutor.

Giving evidence

Title and synopsis

Giving evidence at trial
What are the different ways that a victim or witness might give evidence? What are the steps when a victim or witness gives evidence at trial?

Inside the courtroom

Title and synopsis

Going to Court – Inside the Magistrates’ Court
Who will you see inside the Magistrates’ Court? What is their role? What are the steps if you have to give evidence at a committal hearing?

Plea and sentencing hearings and DPP appeals

Title and synopsis

Sentencing: Who decides and how?
Who decides on the sentence for a serious crime? What factors are taken into account? What happens at the plea hearing and the sentence hearing?

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